Penumbuhan Lapisan Tipis Cooper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) Sebagai Bahan Dasar Sel Surya Organik

Fahru Nurosyid, Kusumandari Kusumandari


Have been conducted a thin film plant of CuPc (Copper Phthalocyanine) and CuPc/Ag (Copper Phthalocyanine/Argentum) at substrat ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) with evaporation method. Coat plant attenuate this use variation ofmass that equal to 50 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg, with current deposition equal to 40 Ampere. Characterization ofCuPc thin film use Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to know the thickness of the thin film, UV - VisibleSpectrophotometer to know absorbance value of CuPc thin film at wavelength of visible light, and measurement ofvoltage current by two point probe method to know the voltage current characteristics from the thin film in the darksituation and under illumination situation. From result of SEM characterization show the thickness valueprogressively along increase of CuPc materials mass. For the each deposition mass obtained thickness value(0,46 ± 0,01) until (0,92 ± 0,02) μm. UV - Visible Spectrophotometer characterization show light absorption by CuPcthin film layer in visible light, absorption happened at wavelength range 520 nm until 780 nm. From the current -voltage measurement at dark and under illumination situation obtained a current value progressively increasealong its mass increase, but decrease from illuminated to darkness.


absorbance, Copper Phthalocyanine, current-voltage measurement

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